![]() Essential Information on an Essential Issue ![]() Letter No.41 3 July, 1996 Training and Jobs - The Economist challenges our assumptions on just what works.
July 1st, the day the tax cuts package and new social policy measures came into effect, many employment activists and social service agencies met in Wellington to discuss even more radical changes to the welfare state in the form of a Universal Basic Income (UBI). The idea, which is yet to be championed by any major political party in NZ, is gaining acceptance and momentum amongst grassroots welfare groups and academics, and is part of a growing international debate on the future of the welfare state.
Many submissions to the Employment Taskforce last year suggested that the level of the Basic Income be in the region of $120-150 a week, or around $6-8,000 per year. The amount could be determined by the age of the recipient with adults receiving more than children, and superannuitants receiving more than 'working age' adults. The scheme would be paid for by changes to personal and company tax rates, in addition to increased taxes on assets and energy. The proponents of UBI believe that because people want more than what they would get on the Basic Income, and also want the social benefits of work, the introduction of a UBI would not result in a mass exodus from the workforce.
Professor Rob Watts, a social policy analyst at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, was the speaker at the first UBI National Conference in Wellington this week. He told Radio NZ's Kim Hill that we can no longer assume that most people of work age (16-65yrs) will have access to full-time work throughout the bulk of their working lives, and this is going to have quite an impact on our notions of citizenship in the 21st century and how income is distributed in society. Watts: "We now have large numbers of people who are not getting access to the Labour Market on a full-time basis in a way they would have done 20 years ago. We have destroyed the youth labour market in many of the advanced industrial countries, and we are destroying the older age group of workers of people putting together cocktails of work amongst several different jobs." "In an era when we can no longer have the majority of work-aged people in full-time work, we've got to stop punishing people for being unemployed, The old 'moral economy' argument that you gained decency and respect for yourself by 'working' ... is no longer relevant, sustainable or possible. This throws up a challenge to most communities to think again about how we are going to sustain people with such a reduced access to work."
Source - Kim Hill Radio NZ Interview with Rob Watts 1 July 1996 and New Zealand Herald 1 July 1996 "Activists advocating basic income for all"
Stats: Just how are 'the employed' counted by Statistics NZ? The 'employed' figures quoted in the media are usually a combined count of both full-time and part-time workers. According to Statistics NZ, people are defined as 'employed' in their survey if they have worked for one hour or more for pay or profit, or unpaid in a family business, during the reference week of the Household Labour Force Survey.
Source - Statistics NZ "Labour Market booklet, plus special tables provided to The Jobs Letter.
While NZ uses an 'internationally recognised' definition of unemployment to define who is unemployed in this country, it is worth recognising that the official term 'unemployment' has been repeatedly re-defined over the last twenty years. In Britain for example, the rules defining the term 'unemployment' have been changed thirty-two times since 1979. Thirty-one of these changes narrowed the definition of who is unemployed. According to the Guardian Weekly, The official UK unemployment figure in the early 1990s was about 3 million people. Under the 1979 rules, this would be 4 million people.
Source - The Guardian Weekly 28 Feb 1994 p4, as quoted in "The Doubters Companion" by John Ralston Saul
Ellis: "I know that some of our push for flexible work, and the sharing of jobs is helping that. But, underlying all the problems is our own desire for material wealth, consumer goods, and a salary that gives us a lifestyle we want. In other words, we are not prepared to give up what we need for there to be enough jobs to go around."
"The key target group that is suffering inequity in employment in our society at the moment is the unemployed. The other large disadvantaged group in the community are care-givers -- of the aged, disabled, and so on. And you could probably add the employed poor to this shortlist -- those below the poverty line on low wages." Ellis points out that one of the problems of EEO, as currently constructed, is that it operates only within organisations, and doesn't encompass key groups outside the mainstream ... such as the unemployed.
see also Jobs Letter No.39