No.254 | 9 September 2006 | 254 Issues Published in New Zealand from 1994 to 2006 |
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OUR DIARY of key events over the last 12 years. ![]()
The Jobs Letter No.1
The Jobs Letter No.2
The Jobs Letter No.3
The Jobs Letter No.4
The Jobs Letter No.5
The Jobs Letter No.6
The Jobs Letter No.7
The Jobs Letter No.8
The Jobs Letter No.9
The Jobs Letter No.10
The Jobs Letter No.11
The Jobs Letter No.12
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Looking ahead, the main labour market issues facing New Zealand are likely to revolve around labour shortages rather than too few jobs. This is a good position to be in, but it will raise its own set of challenges. The Ministry is increasingly focused on ensuring sole parents, older people and people on sickness and invalid’s benefits are well placed to participate in the gains made in the labour market. Work offers the best opportunity for people and their families to improve their living standards. The government’s benefit reform proposals also provide us with an ideal opportunity to examine the better ways of supporting those New Zealanders for whom work is not an option. In the past 12 years New Zealand has come a long way. The Ministry of Social Development is committed to building on these successes and ensuring all New Zealanders can take advantage of the progress achieved.
We must take into account that a lot of people are low-paid and employed in vulnerable sectors of the economy at a time of rising costs of transport and housing. New Zealand is slow to anticipate the big shifts in thinking and the structural changes re fossil fuel dependency which are being forced by climate change. There are issues with an aging population, but South Auckland particularly has a youthful population and many job-poor communities. Solutions will need to be developed at the local level by bringing together people and resourcing initiatives. The role of the community sector and social enterprises will be important for tackling the economic dimension of social issues and defining the good work which needs to be done.
The main issues for the future may well be the employment effects of climate change, energy crises and so forth. But in terms of employment and poverty, the main issues include: Developing and maintaining active labour market policies that can support workers in transition as we invest more and more in technology and skills to lift levels of productivity (value); Supporting a state that can harness resources for collective investments rather than downsize due to constant pressure for tax cuts; Addressing equity issues that continue in relation to Maori and Pacific Peoples unemployment levels; Work-life balance; A constant focus on investment in the people who need it most.
The issues for the future will be the identification of causes of ‘why we are as we are’ and then spreading this understanding widely to empower people to make personal changes; and, the acceptance that as we’ve all grown up under the existing system we also have suffered from this deprivation. And we must recognise that in any society, there must be some values, attitudes, skills and knowledge that are absolutely essential for it to prosper or survive, and that these must be personally gained by all within its populace. Two issues we then face are: establishing new socialisation processes to ensure deprivation no longer continues; and helping those who have unconsciously suffered deprivation through failure of the socialisation they experienced. I believe the following points are vital when we are considering the factors behind this holistic failure: Every person when born, has potential as a human social being, but this potential has to be fostered for them to achieve feelings of self worth, personal achievement and contentment as contributing members of society. The greater the failure in this regard, the more likely their responses, especially in times of stress, will be basically anti-social, selfish survival instincts and ultimately unfulfilled adults. Every person when born is a potential parent, but these skills and responsibilities must be fostered in all, if society is to flourish through the resulting contributions of its individuals. Similarly, the greater the failure in this regard, the more likely their responses, especially in times of stress, will be basic selfish survival instincts and again unfulfilled adults. The prison population, number of police, number of politically correct laws, number of lawyers/judges and courts, and when society basically uses money as the measure of a person, or a business’ worth rather than what they are contributing to the well–being of society, are all indicators of the ‘health of that society.’
Looking ahead, one cannot ignore the ageing of our workforce and its increasing cultural diversity. The median age in New Zealand is currently 36 years, with some 25% of the workforce over 50. In 12 years time, the median age will be 40 years and some 30% of the workforce will be over 50. Social and ethnic diversity is expanding: the proportion of Maori, Pacific and Asian peoples in the labour force will rise by another 3-4 percentage points over this period. Successfully managing this changing workforce will be essential for productivity growth and social cohesion. Notwithstanding the tremendous gains in labour force participation, we still have large numbers of people on-benefit, with limited engagement in the workforce. Unless we can successfully transition more sole parents, sick and disabled back into work, income and other disparities will widen further. I anticipate that, as important as these transitions into the labour force are, our focus will increasingly shift to the nature of transitions and relationships that occur inside the workplace. While attaining a step on the ladder is an essential first step, the path to higher incomes is still often fraught for many. As we gain new understanding of our dynamic labour market, I expect we will be challenged in what can be done to support successful upward mobility of those in work, to support real income growth for the lower skilled, and how to achieve higher productivity from our workforce. The quality of work, productivity, lifetime learning, the balance between employee and employer responsibility for training, the role of mandated rewards to work versus negotiated ones and those resulting from skills and performance will all be vigorous debates.
Issues for the future will include ... Negotiating across diverse cultural world views an agreed set of shared values and principles to underscore what it means to be a responsible New Zealand citizen in the 21st century. Breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty, low school achievement, poor health, drug and alcohol addiction, child abuse and domestic violence. Tackling employment issues of the low waged and ‘working poor’. Creating and sustaining an attractive and affordable lifestyle for young people and their families to retain skills and talent in New Zealand. Accelerating opportunities for more trade apprenticeships to address skill gaps. Understanding and communicating effectively the economic opportunities for the application of unique intellectual and cultural capital in a global market. Recognising that the above issues cannot be tackled successfully without a public commitment to pioneer and resource new solutions that engage the public with the private.
The isssues for the future: Ensuring that we retain our best and brightest in New Zealand or at least attract them back after their 'OE’. Ensuring that we attract some of the best and brightest migrants and once they are here to make sure we can fully utilise their skills. Ensuring that all young New Zealander have a good grounding in numeracy and literacy and that a high proportion of New Zealanders attain a good tertiary education. Linked to the above, ensuring that boys and young men are able to achieve educationally at the same rate as girls and young women and linked further to this ensuring that young Pacific and Maori men increase their educational attainment. We must also ensure that the labour market does not develop into a dual labour market with one group of New Zealanders in the core labour market and another on the margins.
The Labour-led Government has three core themes: economic transformation, families young and old and national identity. Economic transformation requires a skilled workforce, globally competitive business, strong infrastructure, and environmental sustainability. Our focus must remain on building a world-class economy with security and opportunity for everyone. Families young and old is about every family being safe and secure, free from poverty and violence, and nurturing for all its members. The Labour-led Government’s focus is on strengthening and extending early intervention services for young children and families, giving them the best chance for success. National identity is about how we see ourselves as New Zealanders and the pride we take in who we are and where we live. We will continue working towards a prosperous, confident nation that attracts people from around the world and is known for its environment, cultural identity, and opportunities.
Proactively work to keep jobs and nurture job growth in New Zealand a responsibility of all sectors private, government, local government and community. Unemployment is very unlikely to remain as low as it is now. Doing more to support and encourage good work for young people, mature age jobseekers, tangata whenua, Pasifika peoples, migrants and refugees and people who are sick, injured or have long-term impairments.
In the absence of policies to address poverty and income inequality, the next 12 years will be spent dealing with the social fallout of the last 20. If we ignore increasing poverty, the ensuing lack of social cohesion will be within the context of ever more volatile external environment, and the continued outward flow of jobs to developing economies. We need to focus on investing in the next generation so we have a healthy, capable population and communities, able to support each other in our increasingly uncertain world. Dealing with social, educational and health problems will need a broader focus than simply 'changing attitudes’, and this change in focus needs to start now.
Issues for the future will be: The quantity of paid work: not just the number of jobs, but the spread of hours whether too long (understaffing) or too short (casualisation) and the total burden of paid and unpaid work combined. The quality of paid jobs: for example, how to ensure minimum pay and conditions for contract workers, such as the increasingly vital home caregiver sector. The widening gap between the comfortable (not all of whom work long hours for pay) and the deprived (not all of whom are outside the paid workforce, let alone the unpaid workforce) and their children, who are everyone’s future. How we recognise and support unpaid work, in a culture where paid work is so increasingly dominant even though the realities of unglamorous, everyday work are increasingly invisible. And above all, how we make such issues central to public debate.
The issues for the future will be how to fill skill shortages as well as how to retain in New Zealand (or attract back) skilled young people needed for our economy. While we cannot compete with salaries overseas even in Australia we can compete on quality of life. I still believe there is a need to survey school leavers in their last year at school to find out what their career aspirations are and then follow them up the following year to see where they ended up. In many areas in New Zealand we are doing surveys of local businesses and gathering info on present and future skill sets they need. We have no way of matching up these needs with the career and job aspirations of our young people either locally regionally or nationally. I believe the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs have done a great job together with The Jobs Letter over the last few years in highlighting the need for more young people to take up trade apprenticeships and we have succeeded with central government in raising the numbers on the Modern Apprenticeship scheme with the result that more young (and not so young) are taking up trade training. However there will be shortages soon in the health services, hospitality industry, engineering and science (and probably others) and we do not know how many of our young people are being encouraged to pursue careers in these areas of existing and future workforce shortages. In my own area local government we will also have to look at how to attract and retain staff in areas of existing and potential shortages e.g. planners, engineers, building inspectors, policy analysts etc. In a country the size of New Zealand we should be doing school leaver surveys such as this. I believe in the UK every school leaver is surveyed as to their future career aspirations — if they can do this surely we can! There was a trial in three areas including my own in 2002-2003 but this was stopped after two years. It provided us with invaluable data on areas we needed to focus on. An associated issue would have to be to provide more support and resources to career services in schools. The Designing Careers pilot projects need to roll out to all schools. I have had positive feedback from two schools in my area as to the value of this programme that they both want to see continue in their schools. Ideally the Career Aspirations and destinations surveys should be incorporated into this programme. A thoughtful (and, I thought at the time, horribly pessimistic) person said to me in the early 1990s that it would take a generation for New Zealand to recover from the takeover by free-market ideas that had occurred. I now think that is true and so the next 12 years is essentially the other half of that process. The goal: to build and institutionalise a new humanitarian politics in New Zealand. I believe that a lot of the public battle is won. The next 12 years need every caring person to work on the hard part, which is changing the personnel and core policies in government, the public service and other public institutions. In other words, returning the market to its proper place in society and cementing in a new philosophical consensus.
The issues for the future are the depletion of natural resources, the end of cheap oil, the use of nature as a toilet, global warming, water shortages, rising inequalities between the single figure percentage of super rich from the rest, the rising cost of medical care and education etc., escalating rates and huge national and regional debts, fading retirement and welfare care, increase in fear and insecurity, growing dissatisfaction and resulting abuse, and scape-goating to divert attention from increasing control by the greedy. The main issues that we will need to focus on in the next 12 years Kia ora. My name is Grifen. I am from Taranaki, the place I stand, and take my stance. I am Nga Mokai the tribeless youth, descendant of artists, teachers and healers. I am ready; a warrior, poised, filled with love, courage, hope … and despair. For make no mistake, the very near future is not a friendly place of peace, but a time of turmoil like we have never seen. I believe it will get better. I live in the expectation that I will be there to witness. But first it will get worse. Whatever eventual form of future emerges, it is being contested and shaped now! The war rages all around. The dominant voices are winning. We are being drowned out in a cacophony of misinformation, found floundering on a beach of kindred bones in a rising sea of our own shit, left gulping in an illusory sea of media induced fantasy … while we hurtle headlong towards impossible futures. A critical fork in the road is approaching. A fundamental choice looms, a central question posed; is a ‘sustainable’ future possible, yes: or no? If yes, the prospects pivot on your decisions, they are hinged on your actions. The future is contingent upon your will to make your aspirations heard, to make your voice reverberate in the forums of design. The critical challenge in coming days and decades is to break through the information barriers to the mainstream, to mobilise the collective genius of our people. We must create the space for community conversation about ‘truth’ and real choices, to make the time for behaviour change, and take action in partnership. We must assert our fundamental right and our responsibility to self-determination, to be citizens rather than subjects. Time is pressing. I for one am ready; Warrior, poised, filled with love, courage, hope…and despair. Abracadabra: I create as I speak. ‘Another world is not only possible, but she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing’. Do you will her hither with me?
Skills shortages and an aging, retiring population will definitely change the ‘engine room’ of our economy and our country. Globalisation will keep sending challenges to this small, remote trading nation to remain relevant and viable. We’ll need to be smart, nimble and very strategic with our assets to maintain and improve our current lifestyle. Environmental issues. Reaching the tipping points of what the planet can handle (personally I place climate change at the top) will question the very core of how we function. Strong leadership, entrepreneurism and innovation will be needed to avoid us placing this complex global problem back into the too hard basket. Positively, a renaissance in engaged citizenship and altruistic caring will bear fine fruits if we continue to focus on trends that are emerging at present.
The issues for the future will be the ageing population and the subsequent skill shortages as more people retire. This will mean New Zealand will need more migrants to fill these gaps and we need to be more receptive in recognising skills and formal qualifications of these people so they can fully contribute to this country’s future. We need to ensure how young people are developed to their full potential.
Three issues for the future are: Older worker retention and age discrimination for mature job seekers and the need for a better co-ordinated employment strategy will be a major issue in the next decade; Ensuring that quality flexible work options are available to both men and women in employment; Ensuring that ‘life long learning’ and skills becomes the norm not the exception and the gap between ‘work rich’ and ‘work poor’ narrows.
The issues for the future now are... Low wages for youth; unemployment that remains high amongst racial groups upwards of 8%; child poverty which under reliable international measures, is high; and inequality of income, which has increased every year since 1988. Women as a group are doing better than other definable groups in closing the income gap against male rates. But youth, also Asian and other immigrant groups, Pacific Islanders and Maori, when compared to the median and upper wages, are not doing better. Major redistributive programmes such as the Labour Government’s Working for Families’ tax rebates address this, but only in part. The government claim that this programme will reduce child poverty by 70% by 2007 depends on the take-up rate. Militating against that rate, as is usual with anything to do with transfers of income from state to individuals, is a bureaucracy that wields complex formulae. Note, when assessing the future how quickly in 2004 the government disassembled its ‘Closing the Gaps’ programme after National detected that its emphasis on Maori did not have mainstream support. In assessing the future we should note that affluence has weakened New Zealanders’ traditional demand for equality of health, education and opportunity. The poor get less sympathy. Partly this is because the middle class knows that modern poverty is defined in relative terms as those households that, after allowing for housing costs, have less than 60% of the median income. The New Zealand poor are not as badly off as they were, say, 30 years ago. Something like 40% of Pacific Islanders, Asians and other immigrant groups, 24% of Maori, and 16% or Europeans live in officially defined poverty. But while these households struggle, there is more opportunity for jobs than previously, the wages for the employed, though low, have risen. And in support of making a low wage go further, there’s the Warehouse. That, like it or not, is the attitude, and so the classic redistribution of income by a Labour Government will probably not remain at the centre of the game. Rather than gifts from above, I’d hope for investment down below. I’d hope that innovation and infrastructure development will in future yield wealth in the lower-income communities. The government should assist such small-scale infrastructure. Renewable energy, as one example, is now an emerging economic sector. Biofuels production seems a genuine employment opportunity for this country it presently contributes one million jobs worldwide, and we’ve as yet paid it little attention. Investment in such infrastructure has the merit of being decentralised. Why not trucks to collect biomass material in the countryside? Why not digesters within every small community to take this material? Why not a bit more trust and support for the skills and leadership that is out there? On a table just put out by the Worldwatch Institute, New Zealand gets only two ticks out of a possible range of 10 for renewable energy promotion policies. That’s well below the average for developed countries worldwide, below Australia’s four or China’s six. Tourism is another area where local start-ups will become significant. New Zealand has landscapes of huge variety from the small warm beaches of the North to the chiselled mountains of the South. Our land is diverse and sufficiently isolated to be an intriguing corner of the world. We will further open countryside and forest and mountain to individual exploration and risk. Our own Te Araroa The Long Pathway is part of that a 2,920 km corridor with huts and small enterprise such as marae stays that will emerge along its length.
Policies which address poverty and income inequalities directly are essential. Poverty impoverishes us all and the cost of neglecting poverty is high for society as a whole. The need for child-focussed policies is particularly acute. A champion of children in Cabinet or as Prime Minister is sorely needed. The wise words anthropologist Dame Anne Salmond should be heeded by politicians and policymakers: “An aging society that does not take care of its young has a death wish”.
Issues for the future will be the same ones we have been banging on for the last 12 years the ageing workforce and the need to change our thinking around work structure. I would probably amend this first in light of the upcoming decade of the changing workforce demography which picks up older, younger, ethnic diversity etc.. Much (not all) of the current obsession with 'skills shortage’ is about perceived fit in our view: why can’t your next apprentice electrician be 55 years old, your salesman be African, or your planner have a disability. Your next worker may not be the same as your last. The flexible/changing nature side will be the major frontier for employers and society to grapple with. Not only does it need to deal with the changing nature of how workers want to or could sell their time (e.g. more outcomes rather than inputs focused); it will be driven by energy and travel demands, work/life (or life/work) balance, technological advancements, and an ageing workforce with different motivations.
[ Achieved ][ Learned ][ Future ][ Top ]
To prevent New Zealand slipping from a first world to a second world country will require a complete change in focus from the present economic growth orientation to a sustainable growth orientation. This will mean the development of co-ordinated national development plans rather than a series of ad-hoc strategy frameworks that result in industry and regions competing against one another.
It is worth recalling the clumsiness of the jobs service when it first began using the stick. More than one unemployed worker suffered an undeserved thwack. The service will have to lift its performance another step to deal with this rump of unemployed. We also need to review the carrots. An important one was from first reducing the real value of the unemployment benefit in 1991 and then maintaining it since, even though wages have risen faster. Thus the gap between wages and benefits has risen, providing a greater income boost when someone finds work. But there is an absurdity here. The standard social security benefit has the same real value as it had fifty years ago, and is projected to remain there for another 50 years. Real wages will quadruple in the 100 years. Does that make sense? Especially as it is punishing the unemployed by excluding then from belonging to and participating in society. Surely the frictionally unemployed deserve better. The current situation is even more vicious to families with children. In order to get as big an income boost on returning to work, a key element of income assistance (the Child Tax Credit) is given only to working families, thus punishing the already poor children of the unemployed. Just as the unemployed can be collateral sufferers of macroeconomic policy, children are collateral sufferers of the labour market policy. Is either deserved?
My dream is that in my lifetime some of our most appalling negative statistics will be severely impacted on, including...
Proportion of Maori in prison down. Numbers committing suicide down. Numbers not in education down. Let’s get on with it I haven’t got that much time. The major challenges will be to attain a viable workforce to further develop the Aotearoa/New Zealand economy. With current demographic patterns of rapidly increasing elderly and rapidly diminishing youth there will be a major discrepancy in available labour to sustain, yet alone grow the economy. Already there is a dire shortage of people prepared to work in the care-giving industries. Nothing significant, despite endless reports, has been done to address this problem. It will rapidly escalate in the very near future. Another major concern will be to place increased emphasis on unemployed youth. There is really too much waste of untapped talent and resource. Combating teenage pregnancies, particularly where there is no viable support for the parent and child is an essential problem that needs significant resourcing to achieve satisfactory outcomes for parent and child. Finally, I believe that a major attitude change needs to occur to reduce our energy consumption, particularly our waste, increase our energy output and become a great deal more environmentally aware.
How, and if, we respond to the astonishing growth in Sickness and Invalid dependence is one significant issue. In 1970, there were around 16,000 adults (including spouses or partners) supported by these benefits. Just 36 years on, with population growth of around 30%, the number of adults supported by these benefits is over 150,000. A rise of around 900%. The capacity to provide opportunities and answers for this and other challenges lies in the degree to which strong economic growth and therefore job growth is restored. Growth provides not just jobs, but income for the government to provide services and income assistance. The achievement of sustained strong growth will increasingly become the single most important issue. After 25 years of involvement, from front line work with the unemployed, to time as the Minister of Business Development and the Minister of Employment, I have learned that the key answers are not in government grants or subsidies to help start or grow businesses; nor in taxing working people and businesses more to spend it on a myriad of central or local Government programmes. Rather, it is in the more politically challenging approach of central and local government politicians being careful and disciplined in their taxation of peoples earnings, reducing the bureaucratic and red tape burdens, and providing access to information and infrastructure to allow people to get on with getting ahead. Emphasis therefore should not be on political rhetoric such as transforming the economy, and the announcing of endless central Government new initiatives, but on lowering taxes and barriers, providing infrastructure and information, the right incentives, and making New Zealand internationally attractive for investment. Failure to do so will see New Zealand slip very quietly but steadily, further and further behind other nations in terms of our standard of living, including our capacity to provide jobs for our people, and the alleviation of hardship.
Our future lies in building a high skill, high performance, high wage economy which recognises the value of skills and knowledge and treats workers as a valuable asset. We need to focus on building the ‘high road’ economy. If we are to compete in a global economy, we need the best education, the best skills, the best infrastructure and the best regional and industry development programmes. Above all we need to urgently turn around the low wages crisis facing New Zealand. Our wages are 35% lower than Australia and far too many workers are reliant on movements in the minimum wage to see any pay increases. 91,000 workers received a wage increase when the minimum wage was lifted in March this year, and of these 61,000 were women. These workers deserve better, and an immediate $12 minimum wage and scrapping youth rates would be a start. We will also need more action on pay and employment equity and a full commitment to close the 14% gender pay gap that still exists in this country, despite the Equal Pay Act being now over 30 years old. The impact of China on all countries, including ours, is going to be immense over the coming years. Some people have argued that the future for many New Zealand industries is one where we design products here but manufacture them offshore, an argument that has resurfaced during the recent debate over the Buy Kiwi Made project. The CTU doesn’t share this somewhat defeatist view and I’m sure that the 300,000 workers who have jobs in the manufacturing sector don’t either. However unless we accelerate the transformation of our economy to one of higher skill, higher value and higher wage levels we have little chance of avoiding the negative impact of China’s burgeoning manufacturing sector. We will increasingly be grappling with productivity. Understandably the term ‘productivity’ is something of a four-letter word for many workers who remember the restructuring, job losses, work intensification and so forth that has often accompanied management efforts to lift productivity in the past. For our part, the CTU is contributing to the national debate around the issue with a Workplace Productivity Education Project, which is an adult education programme giving employees the opportunity to grapple with the drivers of productivity from a worker perspective. And although our unemployment is the second lowest in the OECD we must not ignore the disparities that exist in this figure the significantly higher rates of unemployment for Maori workers and Pacific workers and an absolute commitment is required from all to address this. The CTU remains committed to a policy goal of full-employment and we recognise the responsibility of society as a whole and government in particular to ensure that all New Zealanders have the opportunity to work and receive a living wage.
We must focus less on state redistribution as a means to alleviating poverty. This method only puts in place disincentives. For instance, the Working for Families package makes it unprofitable for an existing worker to take on more hours or seek promotion or for a second potential earner to take a part-time job. It is difficult to see how productivity can be lifted if income is not tied to work effort. The Working for Families package should be repealed. A lighter hand is needed on the labour market. Raising minimum and youth rates will not increase employment. Wage controls hurt the people they are supposed to help. The qualification age for state superannuation has to go up or stricter means testing applied. With over 65s making up an ever-growing percentage of the population, scrutinising their health and financial needs cannot be avoided. People should be encouraged to work longer where they wish to. In 1997, it was calculated if time spent on the old-age pension in 1900 was equivalent, the eligibility would be 75 years for men and 80 for women. The ages will have risen further since. The inflow of newcomers into the benefit system must be stemmed. In particular, teenage parents who stay on welfare the longest and have children most at risk of negative social outcomes should not be lured by a Domestic Purposes Benefit lifestyle. More effort must go into contraception advocacy and adoption consideration. Two parent families should be recognised and encouraged as the successful economic social unit. The encouragement should be through less intervention, lower taxes and less economic bias towards one-parent families. We need to attract overseas investment and immigration through a more competitive tax regime. We must commit to competing in the global economy not to sliding back to protectionism and controls. I believe that all levels of government need to provide both leadership and the needed impetus to ‘make things happen’ for our communities. The latter requires key staff experienced in economic and social development, as well as readily available networks of knowledge-brokers with practical business acumen. Good communication and building relationships with the targeted communities is of course vital. The years ahead will see increased pressure brought to bear by increasing mobility and transport costs. Appropriate responses such as the recent upsurge in the number and patronage of community markets are a case in point. However, on a broader front, more focus is required to foster innovative solutions to essential infrastructure such as energy creation. Access to communication technologies such as fast broadband is also essential. Correspondingly, this will require well targeted resourcing as well as upskilling to truly sustain our communities. The issues for the future include: catering for the training/employment needs of generation Y and Z; ensuring that everyone that wants to be in employment, education, training or community activity is catered for; developing strategies to minimise the effects of economic downturns on employment growth; ensuring we do not become too dependant on products manufactured/assembled overseas (e.g. in China as such a dependency would not only make us reliant on their supply chains but also could put pressure on emerging NZ industries which may compete with these products); and improving the work/life balance for all New Zealanders.
My new role as Minister of all the Primary Industry portfolios gives me a slightly different perspective on New Zealand’s future. Our primary industries remain the sustaining heart of our economy. Between 70% and 95% of our primary goods are exported. Two-thirds of our foreign exchange comes from primary sector industries. Over the last 15 years agriculture, forestry, and related industries have increased their productivity at more than double the rate of the rest of the economy. The contribution of agribusiness to New Zealand’s economy has been rising. Our gross domestic product grew by over 25% in the six years to March 2005, and it has grown further since then. As a result real national income per head that is, the average income of each of us adjusted for inflation rose by nearly 19%. But we have to do even better. We need to keep increasing our earnings if we want to enjoy a rising standard of living. The goods and services we enjoy from overseas can only be paid for with our earnings from our exports. It has become a bit of a mantra of mine to say that to have a first world health and education system, we need a first world economy. There is no doubt that the economy under the Labour-Progressive coalition government has improved out of sight and if it continues to do so, our public services will continue to improve along with it. Economic growth in the primary sectors will continue to drive New Zealand’s economic future. Skills shortages are affecting most of our businesses and industries. The skills shortage makes it harder to develop high value industries and increase productivity. But it is a better problem to have than a job shortage! I’m proud of the government’s track record in industry training. There were 150,000 New Zealanders learning on the job at the end of last year. Some thirty thousand businesses are involved in industry-training programmes. The Labour-Progressive government is ready to adapt the way we work with industry and productivity is the guiding beacon of the next three years of economic and industry policy.
But my fear is about what happens in the next five years when the economy turns, unemployment grows, safety nets have disappeared, public services are run down, Maori and migrant communities are abandoned, thousands more people die in imperialist wars, the world is even more unsafe and energy becomes unaffordable. Undoubtedly, the voices of neoliberalism will ring out with the familiar refrain that we must maintain investor confidence and the only solution lies in the global market. And when they insist, yet again, that ‘there is no alternative’, will we have one?
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